A post about wasting time (while I was wasting time)
I'm totally caught in a time-wasting trap these days. I'm getting pretty tired of reading about the family. It's at the point now where the reading is pretty redundant. I mean, how many different times do I have to read about how the 1950s was an aberrant decade and the family was never before or never again like that? How many different spins can authors put on the divorce rate? Not many. I'm finding that I'm skipping numerous pages in every book and thinking to myself, "yeah, yeah, I got that." I suppose that is good news - it means I know what's going on. But, I think it's also just that I'm really sick of this. I just want the exam to be over. I changed my exam committee chair, and I now feel like I pretty much know what's going to be on the test and that it's not going to be that hard. The new chair just so happens to be the professor I work for, and who I ta-d sociology of the family for last semester. I know what he thinks is important.
But, it's not like reading for my comp is the only work I have to do. I have two papers to write by May 1st. I have to prepare a lecture for the class I ta on Monday. I have to email friends, clean the apartment, etc. I just can't stop wasting time. I've been up for an hour now and have done nothing. Seriously.
I think I'm really just ready for a change.
Last night, I was reading through some of the old posts I wrote. They used to be better. Particularly great was this thread about Plan B. Everyone got all riled up for that one. Maybe as soon as I get out of my time-wasting, intellectual-boredom funk I can come up with something better.
Only because you may not see this on the previous post ... get a free book to add to your summer reading list here.
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