Do this.

I found this website that tells you how rich you are compared to the rest of the world's population. Then, it tells you what your money could buy in other nations. Do it. It's enlightening.


Justin said...

I was really hoping it was going to tell me what my standard of living would be in other countries. Lately I've fantasized about retiring to some third world country and living like a king, but I'm not sure exactly how much that would cost.

greg'ry said...

I'm the 429,712,644 richest person in the world and in the top 7.25 percent. ??? How can that be?

What if I wanted to buy 25 apples trees to help a farmer in Honduras? How would I get them to him/her? The results of this brings on mixed feelings. I think a lot of us would like to help in some way to aid the poor, but again, how can we even be sure that the money would get there?

For instance... do we have any proof that clicking on the Hunger Site actually does what they say?

It's all so overwhelming. And I saw "The Last King of Scotland" tonight. Now my emotions and wealth are challenged.

Mair said...

Greg'ry -

One thing to do is to give through reputable organizations like or Mercy Corps ( These groups are well-respected and actually do what they claim.

As for the hunger site, I think it's pretty legit. A lot of these big charity groups are policed by auditing agencies, government watch groups, etc. that insure that the funds are actually going to what they say. (For instance, see

It is overwhelming. It is another testament to the incredible effects of sin and brokenness in this world we inhabit - a world that is currently under the reign of the prince of darkness. But, at least we have hope in the ultimate redemption of all creation through the second coming of Christ. It's a hard pill to swallow, and doesn't give any immediate comfort. But, in the long run, I think it's all we have.